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Positive:   Expertise ↓1.01   Drilling ↓0.1   1% Dividends ↓0.02 «See more»   Country: Greece ↑4.3   Auto ↑7.35   Hydrocarbon ↑7.35

Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil stock segment: trending tickers

AMTX Aemetis, Inc - Common Stock 6.85% 6.85% 0 + Power Infrastructure, Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - AEMETIS, INC (0000738214) (Filer)
+ My List
BOOM DMC Global Inc. - Common Stock 0.28% 0.28% 0 + Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - DMC Global Inc. (0000034067) (Filer)
+ My List
BRY Berry Corporation (bry) - Common Stock 0.00% 0 + Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - Berry Corp (bry) (0001705873) (Filer)
+ My List
CLMT Calumet Specialty Products Partners, L.P. - Common units representing limited partner interests 7.35% 7.35% 0 + Manufacturing , Hydrocarbon, Auto, Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - Calumet Specialty Products Partners, L.P. (0001340122) (Filer)
+ My List
ENG ENGlobal Corporation - Common Stock 1.57% 1.57% 0 + Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil, Energy Infrastructure, Power Infrastructure

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - GLOBAL ACQUISITIONS Corp (0000930245) (Filer)
+ My List
FCEL FuelCell Energy, Inc. - Common Stock -1.85% -1.85% 0 + Energy Infrastructure, Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil

Last highlighted: 10-Q Sec report
10-Q - FUELCELL ENERGY INC (0000886128) (Filer)
+ My List
GEVO Gevo, Inc. - Common Stock 0.00% 0 + Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil

Last highlighted: 10-K Sec report
10-K - Gevo, Inc. (0001392380) (Filer)
+ My List
GURE Gulf Resources, Inc. - Common Stock 1.85% 1.85% 0 + Country: China, Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil, Chemical industry

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - GULF RESOURCES, INC. (0000885462) (Filer)
+ My List
GVP GSE Systems, Inc. - Common Stock 2.46% 2.46% 0 + Chemical industry, Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil, Software, Power Infrastructure

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - GSE SYSTEMS INC (0000944480) (Filer)
+ My List
HNRG Hallador Energy Company - Common Stock 1.76% 1.76% 0 + Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil, Power Infrastructure

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - HALLADOR ENERGY CO (0000788965) (Filer)
+ My List
HOLI Hollysys Automation Technologies, Ltd. - Common Stock 0.27% 0.27% 0 + Country: China, Software, Hardware, Rail, Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil, Energy Infrastructure

Last highlighted: 6-K Sec report
6-K - Hollysys Automation Technologies, Ltd. (0001357450) (Filer)
+ My List
KLXE KLX Energy Services Holdings, Inc. - Common Stock -0.15% -0.15% 0 + Manufacturing , Expertise, Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - KLX Energy Services Holdings, Inc. (0001738827) (Filer)
+ My List
LTBR Lightbridge Corporation - Common Stock 4.3% 4.3% 0 + Power Infrastructure, Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - LIGHTBRIDGE Corp (0001084554) (Filer)
+ My List
MARPS Marine Petroleum Trust - Units of Beneficial Interest 1.52% 1.52% 0 + Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - MARINE PETROLEUM TRUST (0000062362) (Filer)
+ My List
MMLP Martin Midstream Partners L.P. - Common Units Representing Limited Partnership Interests -1.42% -1.42% 0 + Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil, Logistics

Last highlighted: 10-Q Sec report
10-Q - MARTIN MIDSTREAM PARTNERS L.P. (0001176334) (Filer)
+ My List
NEXT NextDecade Corporation - Common Stock 0.00% 0 + Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil
+ My List
PFIE Profire Energy, Inc. - Common Stock -1.86% -1.86% 0 + Energy Infrastructure, Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil, Expertise

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - PROFIRE ENERGY INC (0001289636) (Filer)
+ My List
PNRG PrimeEnergy Resources Corporation - Common Stock -0.62% -0.62% 0 + Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - Strategic Environmental & Energy Resources, Inc. (0001576197) (Filer)
+ My List
PSHG Performance Shipping Inc. - Common Shares 0.91% 0.91% 0 + Country: Greece, Transport Infrastructure, Logistics, Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil

Last highlighted: 6-K Sec report
6-K - Performance Shipping Inc. (0001481241) (Filer)
+ My List
PTEN Patterson-UTI Energy, Inc. - Common Stock -0.1% -0.1% 0 + Equipment, Drilling, Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - PATTERSON UTI ENERGY INC (0000889900) (Filer)
+ My List
RCON Recon Technology, Ltd. - Ordinary Shares 0.63% 0.63% 0 + Country: China, Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil

Last highlighted: 6-K Sec report
6-K - Recon Technology, Ltd (0001442620) (Filer)
+ My List
RGCO RGC Resources Inc. - Common Stock 0.23% 0.23% 0 + Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - RGC RESOURCES INC (0001069533) (Filer)
+ My List
TACT TransAct Technologies Incorporated - Common Stock 1.99% 1.99% 0 + Software, Restaurant/Cafe, Mobile, Gambling, Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - TRANSACT TECHNOLOGIES INC (0001017303) (Filer)
+ My List
TELL Tellurian Inc. - Common Stock -3.19% -3.19% 0 + Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - TELLURIAN INC. /DE/ (0000061398) (Filer)
+ My List
TOPS TOP Ships Inc. - Common Stock 7.69% 7.69% 0 + Country: Greece, Logistics, Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil

Last highlighted: 6-K Sec report
6-K - TOP SHIPS INC. (0001296484) (Filer)
+ My List
USAP Universal Stainless & Alloy Products, Inc. - Common Stock 0.12% 0.12% 0 + Steel, Equipment, Manufacturing , Aerospace, Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil, Power Infrastructure

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
+ My List
USEG U.S. Energy Corp. - Common Stock 0.95% 0.95% 0 + Energy Infrastructure, Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil
+ My List
VTNR Vertex Energy, Inc - Common Stock 8.43% 8.43% 0 + Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil, Energy Infrastructure

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K/A - Vertex Energy Inc. (0000890447) (Filer)
+ My List
WPRT Westport Fuel Systems Inc - Common Shares 0.84% 0.84% 0 + Country: Canada, Clean Energy, Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil

Last highlighted: 6-K Sec report
6-K - WESTPORT FUEL SYSTEMS INC. (0001370416) (Filer)
+ My List
ALTO Alto Ingredients, Inc. - Common Stock 4% 4% 0 + Alcohol, Agritech, Manufacturing , Food, Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - Alto Ingredients, Inc. (0000778164) (Filer)
+ My List
XOM Exxon Mobil Corp. -0.23% -0.23% 0 + Energy Infrastructure, Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil, 1% Dividends

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - EXXON MOBIL CORP (0000034088) (Filer)
+ My List
ALB Albemarle 2.2% 2.2% 0 + Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil
+ My List
CVX Chevron 0.19% 0.19% 0 + 1% Dividends, Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil, Mining
+ My List
ATO Atmos Energy 1.02% 1.02% 0 + Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - ATMOS ENERGY CORP (0000731802) (Filer)
+ My List

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