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Positive:   Hydroponic ↓7.05   Cleanness ↓3.59   Country: Singapore ↓3.59 «See more»   Life Sciences ↑2.88   Disease: Infectious ↑2.88   Disease: Oncology ↑3.72

Equipment stock segment: trending tickers

AAPL Apple Inc. - Common Stock 0.80% up 0.68% 0.12 + Hardware, Devices, Software, Equipment, SaaS, Computer

Last highlighted: 10-Q Sec report
10-Q - Apple Inc. (0000320193) (Filer)
+ My List
ADTN ADTRAN, Inc. - Common Stock 1.22% 1.22% 0 + Network Infrastructure, IT infrastructure, Telecommunications , Equipment

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - ADT Inc. (0001703056) (Filer)
+ My List
ARAY Accuray Incorporated - Common Stock 3.72% up -9.29% 13.01 + Disease: Oncology, Medicine, Equipment, Manufacturing

Last highlighted: 10-Q Sec report
10-Q - ACCURAY INC (0001138723) (Filer)
+ My List
ARTW Art's-Way Manufacturing Co., Inc. - Common Stock down 5.29% -5.29 + Agritech, Manufacturing , Equipment, Building

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - KKR & Co. Inc. (0001404912) (Filer)
+ My List
BWAY Brainsway Ltd. - American Depositary Shares 0.94% 0.94% 0 + Country: Israel, Medicine, Equipment

Last highlighted: 6-K Sec report
6-K - Brainsway Ltd. (0001505065) (Filer)
+ My List
GRWG GrowGeneration Corp. - Common Stock -7.05% -7.05% 0 + Agritech, Hydroponic, Equipment

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - GrowGeneration Corp. (0001604868) (Filer)
+ My List
LNTH Lantheus Holdings, Inc. - Common Stock 1.42% 1.42% 0 + Diagnosing, Equipment, Manufacturing , Medicine

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - Lantheus Holdings, Inc. (0001521036) (Filer)
+ My List
PTEN Patterson-UTI Energy, Inc. - Common Stock 2.74% 2.74% 0 + Equipment, Drilling, Fuel/Gas/Petroleum/Oil

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - PATTERSON UTI ENERGY INC (0000889900) (Filer)
+ My List
QRVO Qorvo, Inc. - Common Stock -2.28% -2.28% 0 + Semiconductor, Biotechnology, Diagnosing, IoT, 5G, Mobile, Network Infrastructure, Equipment

Last highlighted: 10-Q Sec report
10-Q - Qorvo, Inc. (0001604778) (Filer)
+ My List
TITN Titan Machinery Inc. - Common Stock -0.79% -0.79% 0 + Agritech, Equipment, Rent, Expertise

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - TITAN INTERNATIONAL INC (0000899751) (Filer)
+ My List
TOMZ TOMI Environmental Solutions, Inc. - Common Stock 2.88% 2.88% 0 + Disease: Infectious, Medicine, Equipment, Life Sciences, Food, Covid (fighting)

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - TOMI Environmental Solutions, Inc. (0000314227) (Filer)
+ My List
VMD Viemed Healthcare, Inc. - Common Shares 0.86% up -0.86% 1.72 + Respiratory therapies / Pulmanory, Medicine, Equipment, Home

Last highlighted: 10-Q Sec report
10-Q - VIEMED HEALTHCARE, INC. (0001729149) (Filer)
+ My List
CAT Caterpillar Inc. 0.81% down 0.85% -0.04 + Building, Machinary, Equipment, 1% Dividends

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - CATERPILLAR INC (0000018230) (Filer)
+ My List
BYRN Byrna Technologies, Inc. - Common Stock 1.85% down 2.58% -0.73 + Security, Equipment, Military

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - Byrna Technologies Inc. (0001354866) (Filer)
+ My List
JCSE JE Cleantech Holdings Limited - Ordinary Shares -3.59% -3.59% 0 + Country: Singapore, Cleanness, Equipment

Last highlighted: 6-K Sec report
6-K - JE Cleantech Holdings Ltd (0001905511) (Filer)
+ My List

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