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Positive:   LiDAR ↓14.29   Auto ↓14.29   Technology ↓4.88 «See more»   Equipment ↑3.92   Cancer fight ↑10.81   Disease: Oncology ↑10.81

Country: Israel stock segment: trending tickers

ALLT Allot Ltd. - Ordinary Shares 0.00% 0 + Telecommunications , Country: Israel

Last highlighted: 6-K Sec report
6-K - Allot Ltd. (0001365767) (Filer)
+ My List
BOSC B.O.S. Better Online Solutions - Ordinary Shares -2.94% -2.94% 0 + Logistics, RFID, Country: Israel

Last highlighted: 6-K Sec report
6-K - BOS BETTER ONLINE SOLUTIONS LTD (0001005516) (Filer)
+ My List
BWAY Brainsway Ltd. - American Depositary Shares 3.92% 3.92% 0 + Country: Israel, Medicine, Equipment

Last highlighted: 6-K Sec report
6-K - Brainsway Ltd. (0001505065) (Filer)
+ My List
ENTX Entera Bio Ltd. - Ordinary Shares -2.87% -2.87% 0 + Country: Israel, Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical

Last highlighted: 10-Q Sec report
10-Q - Entera Bio Ltd. (0001638097) (Filer)
+ My List
GILT Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd. - Ordinary Shares 0.21% 0.21% 0 + Country: Israel, 5G, Telecommunications , IT infrastructure

Last highlighted: 6-K Sec report
6-K - GILAT SATELLITE NETWORKS LTD (0000897322) (Filer)
+ My List
GLMD Galmed Pharmaceuticals Ltd. - Ordinary Shares -3.23% -3.23% 0 + Disease: Liver, Biopharma, Country: Israel, Medicine

Last highlighted: 6-K Sec report
6-K - Galmed Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (0001595353) (Filer)
+ My List
PERI Perion Network Ltd - Ordinary Shares -0.35% -0.35% 0 + Country: Israel, IT infrastructure, Technology, Advertising

Last highlighted: 6-K Sec report
6-K - RIO TINTO LTD (0000887028) (Filer)
+ My List
SPCB SuperCom, Ltd. - Ordinary Shares 0.00% 0 + Country: Israel, Security, Government , Healthcare

Last highlighted: 6-K Sec report
6-K - SuperCom Ltd (0001291855) (Filer)
+ My List
SSYS Stratasys, Ltd. - Common Stock 0.56% 0.56% 0 + 3D, Country: Israel, 3D Printing, Hardware

Last highlighted: 6-K Sec report
6-K - STRATASYS LTD. (0001517396) (Filer)
+ My List
TATT TAT Technologies Ltd. - Ordinary Shares 0.29% 0.29% 0 + Country: Israel, Avia, Environmental protection

Last highlighted: 6-K Sec report
6-K - TAT TECHNOLOGIES LTD (0000808439) (Filer)
+ My List
WILC G. Willi-Food International, Ltd. - Ordinary Shares 0.21% 0.21% 0 + Country: Israel, Food

Last highlighted: 6-K Sec report
6-K - G WILLI FOOD INTERNATIONAL LTD (0001030997) (Filer)
+ My List
PPBT Purple Biotech Ltd. - American Depositary Shares 10.81% 10.81% 0 + Country: Israel, Cancer fight, Disease: Oncology

Last highlighted: 6-K Sec report
6-K - PURPLE BIOTECH LTD. (0001614744) (Filer)
+ My List
INVZW Innoviz Technologies Ltd. - Warrant -14.29% -14.29% 0 + Country: Israel, Auto, Technology, LiDAR
+ My List
ARBE Arbe Robotics Ltd. - Ordinary Shares 0.95% 0.95% 0 + Country: Israel, Wireless, Telecommunications , Radar

Last highlighted: 6-K Sec report
6-K - Arbe Robotics Ltd. (0001861841) (Filer)
+ My List
PRZO ParaZero Technologies Ltd. - Ordinary Shares 0.00% 0 + Country: Israel, Drones, Technology

Last highlighted: 6-K Sec report
6-K - ParaZero Technologies Ltd. (0001916241) (Filer)
+ My List

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