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Positive:   Country: China ↓3.33   Manufacturing  ↓3.33   Metal ↓3.33 «See more»   Building ↑3.99   Urbanism ↑3.99   Transport Infrastructure ↑3.99

Water stock segment: trending tickers

GWRS Global Water Resources, Inc. - common stock 2.31% 2.31% 0 + Water

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - Global Water Resources, Inc. (0001434728) (Filer)
+ My List
NEPH Nephros, Inc. - Common Stock 0.9% 0.9% 0 + Water, Hardware

Last highlighted: 10-Q Sec report
10-Q - NEPHROS INC (0001196298) (Filer)
+ My List
PCYO Pure Cycle Corporation - Common Stock -0.46% -0.46% 0 + Water

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - PURE CYCLE CORP (0000276720) (Filer)
+ My List
STRL Sterling Construction Company Inc - Common Stock 3.99% 3.99% 0 + Building, Urbanism, Water, Transport Infrastructure
+ My List
WLDN Willdan Group, Inc. - Common Stock -0.12% -0.12% 0 + Construction, Water, Energy efficiency, Environmental protection

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - Willdan Group, Inc. (0001370450) (Filer)
+ My List
WWR Westwater Resources, Inc. - Common Stock 0.00% 0 + Water, Clean Energy, Graphite

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - WESTWATER RESOURCES, INC. (0000839470) (Filer)
+ My List
ZKIN ZK International Group Co., Ltd - Ordinary Share -3.33% -3.33% 0 + Country: China, Manufacturing , Metal, Water

Last highlighted: 10-Q Sec report
10-Q - CXJ GROUP CO., Ltd (0001823635) (Filer)
+ My List
AOS A.O. Smith 2.87% 2.87% 0 + Water, 1% Dividends
+ My List

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