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Surgery stock segment: trending tickers

AIH Aesthetic Medical International Holdings Group Ltd. - American Depositary Shares -5.00% down 0.00% -5 + Medicine, Surgery

Last highlighted: 6-K Sec report
6-K - Concord Medical Services Holdings Ltd (0001472072) (Filer)
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APYX Apyx Medical Corporation - Common Stock -4.55% -4.55% 0 + Beauty, Surgery

Last highlighted: 10-K Sec report
10-K - Apyx Medical Corp (0000719135) (Filer)
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ATEC Alphatec Holdings, Inc. - Common Stock 1.52% up 0.40% 1.12 + Medicine, Surgery

Last highlighted: 10-K Sec report
10-K/A - Alpha Investment Inc. (0001616736) (Filer)
+ My List
CTSO Cytosorbents Corporation - Common Stock down 3.80% -3.8 + Immunology, Medicine, Surgery

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - Cytosorbents Corp (0001175151) (Filer)
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MDGS Medigus Ltd. - American Depositary Shares 21.5% 21.5% 0 + Medicine, Surgery, Country: Israel

Last highlighted: 6-K Sec report
6-K - XYLO TECHNOLOGIES LTD (0001618500) (Filer)
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PRFX PainReform Ltd. - Ordinary Shares -1.12% up -4.49% 3.37 + Medicine, Surgery

Last highlighted: 6-K Sec report
6-K - PAINREFORM LTD. (0001801834) (Filer)
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TELA TELA Bio, Inc. - Common stock -7.77% up -8.54% 0.77 + Medicine, Surgery

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - TELA Bio, Inc. (0001561921) (Filer)
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CAH Cardinal Health 2.06% up 1.70% 0.36 + Surgery, Medicine, 1% Dividends

Last highlighted: 8-K Sec report
8-K - CARDINAL HEALTH INC (0000721371) (Filer)
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